戦争においてはいかなる武器を使おうと、勝った方が正しかったということになります。 アメリカは自分たちの正しさを証明するために世界の至る所で戦争を起すみたいです。
要するに戦争と恋愛にはルールはないということです。 恋愛も感情がもつれて恐ろしい犯罪に発展することがありますが、戦争の場合には大勢の犠牲者と、多くの建造物が破壊されるだけに、大変嘆かわしいことです。例えばイラク戦争のときはブッシュ・アメリカこそ正に国際ルールを無視して戦争に突入したのです。
Stevie Wonderの曲に"All In Love Is Fair"という曲が"All Is Fair In Love"いう歌詞ではじまります。
All In Love Is Fair
by Stevie Wonder
All is fair in love
Love's a crazy game
Two people vow to stay
In love as one they say
But all is changed with time
The future none can see
The road you leave behind
Ahead lies mystery
But all is fair in love
I had to go away
A writer takes his pen
To write the words again
That all in love is fair
All of fate's a chance
It's either good or bad
I tossed my coin to say
In love with me you'd stay
But all in war is so cold
You either win or lose
When all is put away
The losing side I'll play
But all is fair in love
I should have never left your side
A writer takes his pen
To write the words again
That all in love is fair
A writer takes his pen
To write the words again
That all in love is fair
Might is right.
Losers are always in the wrong.
The winners are always government forces and losers, rebel army.
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NO. 176